Project: School dog at Stocklake Park School Grant: £4,500 Fund: Kop Hill Climb The School Dog Project provides Animal Assisted Education for disadvantaged students at Stocklake Park School. The [...]
Project: Breaking the Cycle2 Grant: £5,000 Fund: Rectory Homes Startup is a charity that focuses on supporting female ex-offenders and those at risk of offending. This project – Breaking [...]
Project: Building project for unemployed and/or disengaged young people Grant: £4,650 Fund: #iwill VIY challenges young people aged 14-24 to learn trade and employability skills through helping [...]
Project: Contribution to core running costs Grant: £4,000 Fund: HoB General Saunderton Lodge is Wycombe District Council’s (WDC) emergency accommodation for homeless families and individuals. [...]
Project: Festival of Young Musicians 2019 Grant: £700 Fund: HoB General The Wycombe Orpheus Male Voice Choir (WOMVC) Festival of Young Musicians takes place annually in early March. The Festival [...]
Project: Youth Concern drop-in centre renovation Grant: £4,500 Fund: #iwill Following four days of volunteer work, a group of 18 young people all helped to renovate the Youth Concern centre, [...]
Project: Young adult carers life skills sessions and awareness raising Grant: £5,000 Fund: #iwill Run by Carers Bucks, this Social Action project comprised of two elements: The ongoing delivery [...]
Project: Energy Envoys – a youth volunteering scheme relating to energy and sustainability Grant: £3,610 Fund: #iwill Energy Envoys is a volunteering opportunity for Duke of Edinburgh’s [...]
Project: Future Proofing 1st Holtspur Scout Group Grant: £5,000 Fund: Youthbank & HoB General In June 2015, 1st Holtspur Scout Group were informed by Bucks County Council (BCC) that they [...]
Organisation: Workaid What they do: Collect unwanted tools and equipment from across the country and refurbish and distribute them to people in need. Helping them to learn a skill and earn a [...]