Following the sudden and tragic death of Nic Willoughby, aged 22, his friends and family set up a charitable fund in his name, in partnership with Heart of Bucks. Nic loved nothing more than [...]
Project: Feel Inspired junior and primary sports camps for disabled children and young people Grant: £3,000 Fund: Kop Hill Climb On Thursday 14th February, our Community Development Advisor [...]
Project: Village hall renovations Loan: £50,000 The Saye and Sele Foundation is an educational charity providing grants within the local community to young people under the age of 25, with a [...]
It is with mixed emotions that I put pen to paper, or rather fingers to the keyboard, to write and share the news that I recently met with our Chairman Elizabeth Howe to regrettably inform her [...]
Project: Mentoring young offenders ‘through the gate’ Grant: £5,000 Fund: Police Property Act Trailblazers is a national charity that reduces re-offending among young people through [...]