In News

Young Futures is a partnership of local organisations and people, dedicated to funding the aspirations and dreams of young people across Buckinghamshire.

Launched in November 2023, the fund has now published its first Annual Report following a successful year awarding over £100k in funding, through grants to organisations and bursaries directly to young people.

The collaborative approach of Young Futures means that the young people who make up the Board are actively involved in the decision-making process of distributing funds.

“It has been a fantastic experience for me as, unlike the other youth panels I have chaired and grant-giving panels I’ve been part of, we have the final say in where these sums of money are directed and as such we all feel responsible for improving the lives of those around us.”

– Tom, Chair

Key figures:

  • 19 grants awarded to local organisations, totalling £83,683
  • Nearly 12,000 young people supported by funding
  • 34 bursaries awarded to students, entrepreneurs and those in vocational training, totalling £32,624

“I am very grateful for the opportunity to work alongside the young people of Buckinghamshire. However, Young Futures would not be possible without the generosity of our dedicated donors and fundholders, whose support is truly invaluable. We are incredibly grateful for the significant resources of both time and money that you make available to us, enabling us to meet the growing local needs so important to young people.”

– Grace, Programme Manager

Click here to read the report in full.

Young Futures is a group of restricted charitable funds managed by Heart of Bucks.