Heart of Bucks’ ‘Vital Voices’ events are community forums that give a platform to small, grassroots organisations in Bucks and help them connect with influential people on key issues to enact change and make a difference.
This month we held our second event ‘The importance of local charities building relationships with national funders’ focused on informing national funders of the challenges and barriers incurred by local charities and how we can work together to overcome these.
We welcomed Hannah Rignell, Deputy Director for Policy and Partnerships (England) at the National Lottery Community Fund as our guest to join the conversation and listen to concerns from the local charities and community groups in attendance:
Thank you to all the groups who took the time to share their challenges at the forum, to The National Lottery Fund for joining us and to the team at Buckinghamshire New University Community Wellbeing Hub in Aylesbury who hosted us.
Read our report from this event.
If you’re interested in taking part in future community forums please email events@heartofbucks.org with Vital Voices in the subject line.