In Charitable Trusts

By Ian Joseph, Managing Director at Trustees Unlimited

Recruiting Trustees from professional backgrounds is essential for Charitable Trusts. While finding the right Trustee can be challenging, many skilled professionals are eager to contribute. Here is a brief guide on how Charitable Trusts can better attract and recruit Trustees.

Clear vision of the ideal candidate
Start by defining the competencies, knowledge, and experience needed required. This involves creating a person specification of the ideal candidate, perhaps based on a skills audit of the current board to identify any key gaps.

Clarity about the decision-making process
Determine who will sit on the nominations panel and the level of authority they have. Plan the recruitment process carefully, ensuring all activities are scheduled and everyone involved is fully briefed.

Robust recruitment practices
Have a structured process, including interviews to assess candidates’ motivations, skills, and experience. Always conduct verbal reference checks. Allow sufficient time for recruiting a new Trustee; it can take  several months to complete.

Clear role description
Provide a clear and detailed role description that outlines the responsibilities,  time commitment, and meeting locations. Potential candidates may not understand what trusteeship involves; a well-defined role description can help them better understand the role and expectations.

Detailed information pack
Prepare an information pack for candidates, including key documents such as the governing document, financials, biographies of current Trustees, governance structure, and strategic plan. Craft a compelling proposition that highlights what makes your trust special.

Leverage your networks
Engage your existing networks and encourage the entire board to participate in the recruitment process. However, be mindful that relying solely on current networks can limit equality, diversity and inclusion which is recommended for good governance. Aim to expand your search beyond familiar circles to attract a broader range of candidates.

Advertising the role
Think creatively about where to advertise the Trustee role, including using social media. Use other resources to publicise roles for free or for a small fee. Consider asking local businesses to post opportunities internally.  Think strategically about where your target candidates are likely to be, whether that is through local venues, specialist publications, or volunteering websites.

Consider a specialist recruitment firm
Using a professional recruitment firm with expertise in Trustee recruitment can be beneficial. They have access to a database of professionals looking for trustee roles and can match candidates to your specific needs.

Preparing for the new Trustee
Provide a thorough induction to help them integrate smoothly. This should cover the charity’s mission, plans, objectives, and recent meeting minutes to ensure they are well-prepared to contribute and consider offering a buddy or mentor.

Translation for professionals from the private sector
Remember that professionals, especially if they are from the private sector, may not be familiar with the not-for-profit environment. Avoid jargon and explain that decision-making in the sector often involves collaboration and consensus-building.

By following these steps, Charitable Trusts can more effectively recruit skilled professionals as Trustees.