In Grant Funds

This fund is currently closed and the information below is for reference only.
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Heart of Bucks has partnered with Leap, as local partners for Sport England’s Tackling Inequalities programme, to deliver their Moving Our Community Fund. We have also been fortunate to receive support for this programme from the Nic Willoughby Fund and others.

The funders are keen to support groups who are working to enable our community to get active and recover well from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Funding is available principally for new physical activity projects that will help the priority groups in our communities to recover from COVID or prevent problems from emerging or getting worse.

It can also help groups who are already providing these kind of services, but have suffered a loss of income and need funding to survive.

Applications must be submitted by midday 30th June and funds must be spent by 31st March 2022.

Grants available: £250 to £5,000

Who can apply?

Charities, community groups, social enterprises, Community Interest companies (limited by guarantee) or other not-for-profit organisations that provide sport or other physical activity opportunities.

Organisations must be working for the benefit of Buckinghamshire residents (excluding Milton Keynes) but do not have to be primarily sports groups or clubs – other organisations who provide physical activity services or programmes are also welcome to apply, subject to the criteria set out below.

Organisations must have a recognised constitution in place. (Organisations without a constitution may explore if/how another organisation could receive any funding on their behalf or contact Leap who can support them to write a constitution).

Funding criteria:

Provide support to at least one of the following priority groups:

– Lower socio-economic groups
– BAME communities
– People with disabilities
– People with long term conditions

You will need to show how the funding will help you to either:

– support your participants to remain active in the COVID-19 lockdown and early recovery stages and/or

– enable your organisation to provide sport and physical activity services to the priority groups

What we can fund:

– Staffing or training costs
– Premises costs, including rent/facility hire, utility costs
– IT or insurance costs
– Equipment

What we cannot fund:

– Football only projects
– Activities promoting a particular religious or political belief
– Something that has already been funded from the Sport England Community Emergency Fund.
– Projects that have already been completed


This fund is now closed.


Decisions made by Heart of Bucks are final and there is no right of appeal. Heart of Bucks reserves the right to refuse applications for any reason, and not to share details with the applicant. Where criminal activity is suspected, Heart of Bucks will co-operate with law enforcement officials to the fullest extent required by law to identify and tackle this.