Project: Willow Arts – creating with nature
Grant: £2,500
Fund: HoB General
The Willow Arts project enabled a group of year 5 children to get outdoors and use, create with, understand and appreciate the materials found in our natural environment.
Taking place at St Peter’s School in Burnham, the groups learned about the history, the cultivation of willow, the willow industry in the UK, and the many uses of willow weaving. The children made observational drawings of the plants, trees, animals and insects that use woodland and heathland such dragonflies, bees, deer, and barn owls, from which they then created small models from wire.
Using the models they then collaboratively made designs for the final willow sculptures for the school grounds. The willow structures have created a play space with summer shade or an outdoor classroom and gathering space big enough to accommodate a whole class group.
One of the boys we worked with has additional needs, he responded very well to the arts project and created some very good artwork. He seemed to be more focussed in taking part in art and concentrated well enough to make a fox out of willow. He seemed to “shine” and was fully engaged in his artwork.
Also, the school now has a willow installation, which they have wanted for quite some time. The children are proud of what they have achieved and are very pleased with the result.
– Rhonda Fenwick (Director)