In Funding Stories, Physical & mental health, wellbeing & safety

Project: Short-term respite care
Grant: £5,000
Fund: Kop Hill Climb

CHAT Children’s Respite is a registered charity helping Buckinghamshire families with children who have additional needs through short-term respite care.

This grant enabled CHAT to fund respite care for 12 families, giving them time to recharge their batteries, visit friends and family or just to go to the shops. During the period of respite care it also allows parents/carers to have quality time with other siblings and do the things other children take for granted, such as going to the park or cinema or just to play a board game with a parent without disruption.

Anthea Cass, fundraiser for CHAT said:

There is a huge need for the service we provide, Many local families struggle on a day to day basis with little support. The help we provide makes a huge difference to their lives.

Case study

Lance is 12, has autism and mental health difficulties including Tourette syndrome. The complications of his condition give rise to elevated levels of emotional distress throughout the day when he can be very frightened and needs a high level of support. The nature of his difficulties means he is unable to attend school and the pressure of caring for him all day is having an impact on his mother’s emotional wellbeing.

CHAT granted 30 hours of respite care to this family which was well received. His mother wrote the following:

The grant was very supportive of us during a very difficult time. It enabled me to leave the house to attend to things which would have been impossible with my child in tow like visit the bank and go to the hairdressers. Occasionally the carer would take my son out to the garden centre and they would go to the café or get some fruit from the fruit stall – all good for developing independence skills. Thank you very much indeed for your support again.