Project: Shed renovation
Grant: £4,830
Fund: Bucks Masonic / HoB General
Sheds are a place to pursue practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending. They’re about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge, and a lot of laughter.
Black Park Shed are a newly established organisation. They were setup to meet the needs of the local area at the request and with the assistance of Bucks County Council. They required funding to purchase furniture, equipment and tools, prior to opening the shed to members of the public.
The shed aims to combat the negative impact of loneliness and isolation on a person’s health and wellbeing. Shed members are often unemployed or retired and welcome the opportunity to share experiences, knowledge and skills in a safe and enjoyable environment. Many also make friends for life with those who share similar interests and a common purpose. All whilst working on a range of creative projects which are of benefit to the member and to the local community.
This funding has enabled the shed to create a meeting place that is fit for purpose and safe, and has been central to the successful establishment of Black Park Shed.
Having spent most of last winter working outdoors, Black Park Shed are now able to plan for their future in a building that will be the heart of all our meetings and activities. We now have the opportunity to take in more members and to grow over the coming years.
Without this funding we could have struggled to get past the initial stages of establishing ourselves and may have even failed to get off the ground. We thank you for your support.
– Les Stone, treasurer
In order to raise funds for the running of the shed going forward, the members will carry out work such as repairing items or making items for sale. For instance, they have already refurbished all of the outside tables and benches at the San Remo Cafe in Black Park.