On Monday 15th March in a virtual awards ceremony, High Sheriff Andrew Farncombe recognised members of the voluntary, community and cultural sector across Buckinghamshire. The event was attended by 70 people from across the county, including family and friends of the award recipients.
Heart of Bucks nominated two individuals and two organisations for the awards and the High Sheriff was pleased to endorse the nominations. High Sheriff Award certificates were presented to the winners as a token of admiration and appreciation on behalf of the people of the county of Buckinghamshire.
In Buckinghamshire, awards were presented to:
- David Ouvry in recognition of his leadership, flexibility and creativity during Covid-19 as Chair of Chilterns Dial-a-Ride
- Refi Shafi in recognition of his consistency, compassion and the excellent example set of promoting community cohesion through the work of WISE (Wycombe Islamic Society)
- Wycombe Refugee Partnership in recognition of their help to destitute refugee families in High Wycombe
- Seerah Today in recognition of their urgent and timely support for the most vulnerable in our community during 2020
Congratulations to all the winners for their contribution to our county.