Closed – Will reopen when funds are available.
Grants available: Up to £10,000
Who can apply?
– Voluntary and community groups that are charitable in purpose, formally constituted and working for the benefit of Buckinghamshire residents (excluding Milton Keynes)
– Town and parish councils (provided the grant would not replace statutory funding)
What can be funded?
– Grants can be used to support capital, revenue and project costs and expenditure
Our General Fund supports charities and community groups in Buckinghamshire whose work benefits local people. We award grants of up to £10,000 to a broad range of causes and welcome applications from both new and established groups.
Made up of a number of private funds with different priorities, HoB General may be suitable if your project does not fit any of our other specific funds. Heart of Bucks always acts in good faith in working with our donors and carries out due diligence checks on the sources of funding we make available.
If however, your organisation has specific restrictions on the sources of funds it will accept, please do contact us to discuss further before making your application.
How to apply:
Closed – Will reopen when funds are available.