In Grant Funds

This fund is now closed


Who can apply?

School Councils or similar student bodies affiliated to schools operating in the area administered by Buckinghamshire Council, if the application is supported by the school and the school agrees to act as recipient and caretaker of the funds.

Nurseries, pre-schools, and any schools where fees are charged to attend, will not be eligible for consideration.


Projects put forward for consideration should be environmental improvement schemes or ideas which are designed to:

– Reduce waste
– Improve Biodiversity
– Reduce Litter
– Reduce Energy consumption
– Enhance community transport

Projects and applications for funding must be designed and led by students, with Teacher/Staff support.

What we can fund:

– Partial or full costs for any activity required to facilitate the project, where reasonable, up to £5,000
– Core costs, where these are required to enable voluntary work or to deliver a defined project outcome

What we can’t fund:

– Activities promoting a particular religious or political belief
– Overseas travel
– Projects which are already completed
– Individuals
– Statutory bodies (excluding parish/town councils)
– Profit-making organisations
– Organisations whose principal concern is animal welfare
– Activity which is a statutory responsibility of a public body