We are pleased to share the first report from our Buckinghamshire Uncovered series – Our Ageing Population.
Older people in Buckinghamshire play an intrinsic, vibrant, and pivotal role across our county. The newly released ‘Buckinghamshire Uncovered: Our Ageing Population’ report uncovers local statistics and compares these to national data, highlights what the future challenges may be, and showcases opportunities within our communities that empower the lives of our older population.
Some highlights from the report include:
- Population trends and projections show a significant increase in the number of residents aged 65 years and over, with numbers predicted to more than double between 2000 and 2040.
- Buckinghamshire has a slightly higher proportion of older people (65+) at 19% of the population, compared to the national average of 18.5%. However, in Aylesbury the rate is 12.8% and in the Missendens it is 26.1%. This has an effect on the local Old Age Dependency Ratio and results in differing needs across the county.
- Life expectancy varies greatly across the county, with the biggest difference for a female living in Gatehouse who will live nearly 13 years less than a female living in Marlow.
Despite the challenges that people can face as they grow older, we celebrate the significant role that older people play in the community, in the workforce, and society at large. To enhance and grow this contribution, there are various ongoing projects and opportunities aimed at creating an age-friendly environment and improving the experience of ageing in our community. There is a collaborative effort across the county to tackle barriers and promote inclusion for the older population with services not exhaustive of befriending, intergenerational activities and the Healthy Ageing Collaborative.
Trudi Scrivener, Health and Wellbeing Ambassador at Heart of Bucks, said:
“Having worked in the care sector most of my 30-year career I am a passionate advocate in support of creating the right services to support our elderly community. It is one of the reasons why I work with Heart of Bucks as we share the same values, that every person deserves the right to live a healthy, fulfilled and happy life. And it is our duty as a society to put the right help in place.”
The report also includes future considerations, such as improving preventative healthcare, creating age-friendly workplaces and adjusting the narrative to growing old, striving to be free from stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination.
To read the report in full, please click here.