Esri UK has been awarding grants through its fund for 13 years. These annual grants go to help local charities and community groups that carry out vital and life-changing work across Buckinghamshire.
The panel discussed the applications received and awarded grants to:
Age UK Buckinghamshire – £500 towards the delivery of its befriending service. Which is a lifeline to isolated, older residents in Buckinghamshire.
The Baby Bank – £2,000 towards core running costs of this organisation which supports local low-income families with basic items like clothing, bedding and school supplies.
FoodCycle – £2,000 to help volunteers provide healthy meals created using food surplus, for those in Aylesbury who experiencing any kind of hardship.
The panel also donated £1,200 to the Heart of Bucks Crisis Appeal. This money will be used to provide emergency grants to people struggling with the cost of daily life.
We’re delighted to be continuing our long-standing relationship with the Heart of Bucks, and to be supporting such worthy causes in the local area. Anthony Maughan-Brown, Director, Esri UK
Esri UK have been supporting local charities and community groups through Heart of Bucks since 2010 and have awarded more than 60 grants during this time.
Find out more about establishing a named corporate grants programme with Heart of Bucks here.