This fund is now closed. The information below is for reference only
Grant available: £20,000 to £40,000
Who can apply?
Voluntary and community groups, formally constituted and working for the benefit of Buckinghamshire residents.
The key theme of this fund is ‘Local People in Need’. As such, applications for funding must meet all of the following criteria;
- Projects/activities which provide a demonstrable and direct benefit for local people
- Projects/activities which relate to the impact category of ‘Health & Wellbeing’
- Projects/activities where the grant would either;
- Fund the total cost of the project/activity OR
- Fund a clearly defined aspect of a larger project/activity
- Wholly capital projects
Please note: we can accept applications for funding which include some capital costs, however these must be minimal in size and proportionate to the aims of the project/activity, i.e. small equipment, tools, etc.
Other Information:
Only one grant of between £20,000 and £40,000 is available. No partial awards will be made. Any balance remaining in this fund after the single grant has been awarded will be redirected to the Here to Help Fund ‘Small Grants Programme’.
We also welcome applications from organisations working in partnership to deliver one project/activity. In this instance, the application should come from one organisation on behalf of the partnership.
How to apply:
Applications are closed