In News

To eat or to heat? You may have a choice but some don’t.

As the cold weather sets in, the latest Government data shows that there are over 17,000 households in Buckinghamshire that are living in fuel poverty, with the highest numbers in Wycombe, closely followed by Aylesbury Vale.

The Heart of Bucks Winter Warmth campaign will help vulnerable people across the county who struggle to keep warm during winter and are at risk of harm as a result of cold weather.

The Winter Warmth campaign will help those living in fuel poverty, older people, lone parents with children under five, or households requiring additional heating because of a household member with a disability.

If you were born on or before 5 November 1953 you could get between £100 and £300 from the Government to help you pay your heating bills. Most payments are made automatically, however, many people across the county do not need this money.

If this is you, a simple way to support this campaign is to donate all or part of your payment. If you don’t receive a winter fuel payment you can still make a donation of any size and help to make a difference to the lives of those most in need in our county.

Heart of Bucks will be working with community and statutory organisations across the county who will act as delivery partners to ensure funding reaches those most in need. The grants awarded may be used for heating bills, but could also pay for essential household items which many of us take for granted, such as hot water bottles and warm blankets.

Donate online today

You can also donate by cheque made payable to Heart of Bucks and sent to:
Heart of Bucks Winter Warmth, Sunley House (4th floor), Oxford Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8EZ