
Donate online via our Total Giving page. You can make a one-off donation, become a regular giver or create your own page to fundraise on our behalf.


Regular or CAF cheques made payable to “Heart of Bucks” can be sent to:

Heart of Bucks, New Road, Weston Turville, Aylesbury, HP22 5QT

Bank transfer

If you would like to donate directly into our bank account, please get in touch by calling 01296 330134 or email We will supply you with our account details and a unique reference for your donation.

Gift Aid

Make your donation go further at no extra cost to you.

If you are a UK tax payer and would like us to claim Gift Aid, please complete a Gift Aid declaration form.


In light of the on-going poverty being experienced in our county, Heart of Bucks has set up Together Against Poverty. This appeal replaces our Crisis Appeal and Winter Warmth to provide essential funding to help households experiencing severe hardship and distress.

Your support will help individuals and families referred through our unique system of Community Advocates referring those most in need to our grants team. These individuals could be facing food, shelter, fuel or digital poverty. We aim to provide quick access to valuable funds – a lifeline during difficult times. It also provides support to help them turn their lives around and make a change for themselves and their families. In some circumstances, we may also directly fund charitable organisations working directly with local people experiencing poverty and disadvantage.

Please give what you can today to help others less fortunate. Even small amounts can really change lives.

Donate online via our Total Giving appeal

You can also donate by cheque made payable to ‘Heart of Bucks’ and sent to:

Heart of Bucks (Together Against Poverty)
New Road, Weston Turville
Aylesbury, Bucks
HP22 5QT

You can find out more about the Together Against Poverty campaign here.

Our Young Futures Fund is a partnership of local organisations and people, dedicated to funding the aspirations and dreams of young individuals across Buckinghamshire.

We believe in the power of young minds and the incredible potential they hold. By co-designing and collaborating directly with young people through participatory charitable funding and grant-making opportunities, we aim to nurture talent, foster innovation, and create a brighter future for Buckinghamshire’s next generation.

From grants for organisations working with young people across the country to bursaries that will impact the lives and futures of individuals.

If you want to help fund the dreams of young people in Buckinghamshire, why not make a donation? If you are a taxpayer, you can also Gift Aid your donation and instantly increase the value by 25%.

Donate online via our Total Giving appeal

You can also donate by cheque made payable to ‘Heart of Bucks’ and sent to:

Heart of Bucks (YFF)
New Road, Weston Turville
Aylesbury, Bucks
HP22 5QT

The ‘Love Bucks’ campaign is all about helping local not-for-profit groups to continue transforming lives in our county.

Charities and community groups across Buckinghamshire do so much for our communities – they are often the lifeblood our society.

As the community foundation for Buckinghamshire, Heart of Bucks know the challenges faced in our towns and villages but also how generous and giving people throughout our county are. Donations to ‘Love Bucks’ will make a difference in a variety of ways, such as:

> £12 could enable one child with special needs and living in poor socio-economic conditions to go and watch a theatre performance.

> £50 could cover the cost of hiring a hall, enabling an isolated group to meet up and socialise.

> £100 could pay for a tablet to connect an elderly person in a care home with their relatives.

> £250 could provide a wheelchair-friendly picnic table for a community meeting space.

If you love Bucks, why not give something back to Buckinghamshire today and make a donation? If you are a taxpayer, you can also Gift Aid your donation and instantly increase the value by 25%.

Donate online via our Total Giving appeal

You can also donate by cheque made payable to ‘Heart of Bucks’ and sent to:

Heart of Bucks (Love Bucks)
New Road, Weston Turville
Aylesbury, Bucks
HP22 5QT

Heart of Bucks has established the Community Investor Fund to make charitable giving for businesses straightforward and simple. One of the considerations for businesses making charitable donations is that they may want to give back to their local community but they don’t have the resources to set up their own fund or scheme. Working collaboratively with many local businesses, Heart of Bucks is able to direct much-needed funding where it is most needed in the community.

When a business puts a sum of money into the Community Investor Fund, they are able to help the local community both now and in the future. The total is divided into money that can be used for immediate charitable grants, so that a positive impact is made soon after a contribution, and also money that is invested to support the Bucks organisations, community groups and charities that need help longer term.

This has been a hugely challenging time for Bucks-based not-for-profit organisations, who have been working harder than ever before to support the vulnerable people in our county throughout COVID-19. Now, more than ever, they need help – and Heart of Bucks is able to facilitate the distribution of the generous contributions of the business community.

Donate via our Total Giving page

For more information please contact Henry Allmand, CEO –


other ways to donate: EasyFundraising logo

Shop with EasyFundraising

Whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Heart of Bucks.

There are over 7,000 brands on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds. Click here to visit our EasyFundraising page.

Other ways to donate: BetterPoints logo

Download the BetterPoints app

The BetterPoints app is designed to motivate people to behave more healthily and sustainably, for instance through walking, cycling and eating better.

Earn points for your activities which can then be exchanged for a donation specifically to our Crisis Appeal. To find us in the app search ‘Crisis Appeal for Buckinghamshire’ under the donate tab.

Click here to go to BetterPoints Bucks.


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