Below you will find recordings of all our Buckinghamshire Uncovered Webcast series. These webcasts focus on key topics affecting the people of Buckinghamshire and showcase some of the amazing work being done across the county to tackle these issues. Click below to watch recordings of past webcasts.

Creative Health

Listen to a discussion around Creative Health and what is available in our county.

Host: Julius Weinberg (Heart of Bucks Ambassador for Arts, Culture & Heritage)

Speakers: Lallie Davis (Buckinghamshire Culture), Jacqui Gellman (Chiltern Open Air Museum), Rosie Axon (Chiltern Music Therapy).


Hear what is being done to prevent homelessness in Buckinghamshire.

Speakers; Emily Barker, Homeless Strategy Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, Anna Glover, Trustee at Youth Concern, Emma Dewey, Project Manager of The Next Step Project and James Boultbee, CEO at Aylesbury Homeless Action Group and Wycombe Homeless Connection.

Young Futures

Discussions about youth services in the Bucks and an introduction the new Young Futures Fund

Speakers; Stuart Parker, Community Youth Service Development Manager at Buckinghamshire Council, Nick Robinson, Director at SWEF, and Charlie Dixon-Prior, Co-Leader and Operations Director at Caudwell Youth.

Healthy Ageing

Find out how the ageing population is being supported in our county.

Speakers; Mark Russell, CEO of Age UK Buckinghamshire and co-chair of the Healthy Ageing Collaborative (HAC) and Helen Wain (Community Services Age UK), Lucie Smith – Public Health Principal at Buckinghamshire Council and Dr Christopher K A Foote, project coordinator at Chiltern Compass.

Helping Ukrainian Refugees

Insights into what is being done to support Ukrainian refugees arriving in Buckinghamshire.

Speakers; Deborah Stevens from Buckinghamshire Council, Tania Orlova from Community Impact Bucks and Adam Townsend from Aylesbury Vineyard.

Food in the Current Crisis

Find out what is happening locally to help those who cannot afford to buy food in the current cost of living crisis. 

Speakers; Hannah Tomlin from Buckinghamshire Council, Sam Cartwright, Bucks Food Partnership and Karen Hamilton, Food Cycle.


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